Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

Chemistry and Pharmacology of Fennel

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biji Adas mengandung minyak esensial (4%), dimana 50,0% adalah trans-anethole, 9,2% (+)-fenchone, Estragola 2% (metil chavicol), ditambah-dan b-pinene, a-phellandrene, limonene, camphene , dan lain-lain; tetap minyak (17 0%?), yang 60? 5% adalah asam petroselinic; yang kaempferol flavonoid, quercetin, isoquercitrin, dan rutin; protein (16? 0%), mineral (relatif tinggi kalsium dan kalium ), gula, dan vitamin (Bruneton, 1995; ESCOP, 1997; Leung dan Foster, 1996; Wichtl dan Bissett, 1994).

Komisi E melaporkan bahwa biji adas mempromosikan motilitas gastrointestinal dan dalam konsentrasi yang lebih tinggi bertindak sebagai antispasmodic. Dalam percobaan, anethole dan fenchone telah terbukti memiliki tindakan secretolytic pada saluran pernafasan. Pada katak, adas, air ekstrak meningkatkan aktivitas mukosiliar epitel silia.

British Herbal Pharmacopoeia dilaporkan sebagai tindakan yg mengeluarkan udara (BHP, 1996). infus biji adas berair pahit meningkatkan kecepatan transportasi dari epitel berbulu mata terisolasi dari kerongkongan katak sebesar 12% (ESCOP, 1997; Leung dan Foster, 1996; M ller-Limmroth dan Frlich, 1980). Adas secara oral meningkatkan gerakan spontan dari perut kelinci unanesthetized dan diambil intravena mengurangi hambatan gerakan perut oleh pentobarbitone natrium (Niiho et al., 1977). Sebuah infus adas pahit dikurangi kejang disebabkan oleh asetilkolin dan klorida barium in vitro di dalam ileum marmot terisolasi dan menghambat di situ kejang ileum in vivo pada kucing (ESCOP, 1997).

Phytochemical :1,8-cineole, 3-carene, 5-methoxypsoralen, 8-methoxypsoralen, Alanin, Alpha-pinene, Alpha-terpinene, Alfa-terpineol, Alpha-thujene, Alpha-phellandrene, Aluminium, Anisaldehyde, Anisic-asam, Anisic-keton, Apiole, Arachidates, Arginine, Ascorbic-asam, asam aspartat, Avicularin, benzoat-asam, Bergapten, Beta-phellandrene, Beta-carotene, Beta-sitosterol, Beta-pinene, Boron, caffeic-asam, kalsium, Camphene, Kamper, Ceryl-alkohol, Kolin, kromium, asam sinamat, cis-anethole, cis-ocimene, sitrat-asam, Cobalt, Columbianetin Tembaga, Cynarin, Cystine, D-limonene, Dianethole, Dillapiol, Dipentene, EO, Estragola , Fenchone, Fenchyl-alkohol, ferulic-asam, asam fumarat, Gamma-terpinene, Gamma-tocotrienol, Gentisic-asam, asam glutamat-, Glycine, Glycollic-asam, histidin, Imperatorin, Iodine, Isoleusina, Isopimpinellin, Isoquercitrin, kaempferol , kaempferol-3-arabinoside, kaempferol-3-glukuronat, L-limonene, limonene, linalool, Linoleat-asam, Magnesium, malic-asam, mangan, Marmesin, Metionin, methyl-chavicol, Myrcene, Myristicin, nikel, O-coumaric -asam, asam-oleat, Osthenol, P-cymene, P-hydroxybenzoic-asam, P-coumaric-asam, P-hydroxycinnamic-asam, asam palmitat-, Pektin, Petroselinic-asam, Fenilalanin, Fosfor, Photoantheole, Kalium, Prolina , Protocatechuic-asam, Psoralen, Kuersetin, Kuersetin-3-l-arabinoside, Kuersetin-3-arabinoside, Kuersetin-3-glukuronat, Quinic-asam, Riboflavin, Rutin, Sabinene, Scoparone, skopoletin, Selenium, Serina, Seselin, Shikimic -asam, Silicon, Sinapic-asam, stigmasterol, stigmasterol-palmitat, Syringic-asam, tartrat-asam, Terpinen-4-ol, Terpinolene, Tiamin, Treonina, Tin, Tokoferol, Trans-ocimene, Trans-anethole Trans-1, 8-terpin, trigonelina, Tryptophan, Tirosin, Umbelliferone, Urease, Valin, vanilat-asam, vanili, Xanthotoxin, Zinc
Pendukung Utama:

Isi sangat penting bervariasi (0,6 sampai 6%), buah-buahan di tengah umbel yang umumnya lebih besar, lebih hijau dan kuat aroma. Waktu panen dan iklim juga penting.

Minyak esensial dari varietas yang paling penting adas (var.dulce) berisi anethole (50 sampai 80%), limonene (5%), fenchone (5%), Estragola (metil chavicol), safrol, alfa-pinene (0,5%) , camphene, beta-pinene, beta-myrcene dan kontras p-cymene.In, bentuk digarap (var.vulgare) sering kali lebih penting berisi minyak, tetapi karena dicirikan oleh fenchone pahit (12 sampai dengan 22%), maka nilai kecil.

Minyak atsiri:

Varietas terbaik dari hasil Adas 4-5 persen dari minyak atsiri (gr sp. 0,960-0,930.), Unsur-unsur pokok yang Anethol (50 sampai 60 persen) dan Fenchone (18 menjadi 22 persen). Anethol juga merupakan konstituen utama minyak Anise.

Minyak esensial dari varietas yang paling penting adas (var. dulce) mengandung anethole (50 sampai 80%), safrol limonene (5%), fenchone (5%), Estragola (metil-chavicol),,-pinene (0,5 %), camphene, beta-pinene, beta-myrcene dan p-cymene. Sebaliknya, bentuk digarap (var. vulgare) sering kali lebih penting berisi minyak, tetapi karena dicirikan oleh fenchone pahit (12 sampai dengan 22%), itu adalah nilai kecil.

Fenchone adalah cairan tak berwarna yang memiliki bau, dan rasa pedas camphoraceous, dan ketika hadir memberikan rasa pahit mengecewakan banyak minyak komersial. Mungkin kontribusi secara material terhadap sifat obat minyak tersebut, maka hanya varietas semacam Adas sebagai mengandung proporsi baik fenchone yang cocok digunakan untuk pengobatan.

Ada juga hadir dalam minyak Adas, d-pinene, phellandrine, anisic anisic asam dan aldehida. Schimmel menyebutkan limonene sebagai juga pada waktu yang hadir sebagai konstituen.

Ada alasan untuk percaya bahwa banyak minyak komersial dicampur dengan minyak dari mana anethol atau konstituen kristal telah terpisah. minyak yang baik akan berisi sebanyak 60 persen.

Saxon Adas menghasilkan 4,7 persen dari minyak atsiri, mengandung 22 persen fenchone.

Rusia, Galisia dan Rumania, yang sangat mirip satu sama lain, hasil 4-5 persen dari minyak atsiri, dimana sekitar 18 persen adalah fenchone. Mereka memiliki rasa camphoraceous.

Perancis Adas manis atau Romawi hanya menghasilkan 2,1 persen. minyak, apalagi mengandung anethol dan dengan ringan dan rasa yang manis, mungkin karena tidak adanya seluruh fenchone pahit.

Prancis pahit minyak Adas berbeda jauh, anethol yang hanya hadir dalam bekas. Minyak (Essence de Fenouil Amer) yang disuling dari seluruh herbal, dikumpulkan di selatan Perancis, di mana tanaman itu tumbuh tanpa budidaya.

India Adas hanya menghasilkan 0,72 persen dari minyak, mengandung hanya 6,7 persen dari fenchone.
Sisilia minyak Adas yang dihasilkan dari piperitum F..

Ini dulunya adalah praktek untuk Adas mendidih dengan ikan semua, dan terutama diusahakan di kebun dapur untuk tujuan ini. Its daun saat ini dilayani dengan salmon, untuk memperbaiki indigestibility berminyak, dan juga dimasukkan ke dalam saus, dengan cara yang sama seperti peterseli, untuk dimakan dengan ikan kembung direbus.

Benih-benih tersebut juga digunakan untuk bumbu dan minyak yg mengeluarkan udara yang disuling dari mereka, yang memiliki bau aromatik dan rasa manis, digunakan dalam pembuatan Cordial dan minuman, dan juga digunakan dalam parfum dan untuk scenting sabun. Satu pon minyak adalah hasil biasa £ 500 biji.

Fennel seed contains essential oils (4%), of which 50.0% is trans-anethole, 9.2% (+)-fenchone, 2% estragole (methyl chavicol), plus a- and b-pinene, a-phellandrene, limonene, camphene, and others; fixed oil (17?0%), of which 60?5% is petroselinic acid; the flavonoids kaempferol, quercetin, isoquercitrin, and rutin; protein (16?0%); minerals (relatively high in calcium and potassium); sugars; and vitamins (Bruneton, 1995; ESCOP, 1997; Leung and Foster, 1996; Wichtl and Bissett, 1994).

The Commission E reported that fennel seed promotes gastrointestinal motility and in higher concentrations acts as an antispasmodic. In experiments, anethole and fenchone have been shown to have a secretolytic action in the respiratory tract. In the frog, aqueous fennel extracts raise the mucociliary activity of the ciliary epithelium.

The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia reported its action as carminative (BHP, 1996). Aqueous infusion of bitter fennel seed increased the transport velocity of the isolated ciliated epithelium of a frog esophagus by 12% (ESCOP, 1997; Leung and Foster, 1996; M ller-Limmroth and Frlich, 1980). Fennel administered orally increased the spontaneous movement of the unanesthetized rabbit stomach and taken intravenously reduced the inhibition of stomach movement by sodium pentobarbitone (Niiho et al., 1977). A bitter fennel infusion reduced spasms induced by acetylcholine and barium chloride in vitro in isolated guinea pig ileum and inhibited in situ ileum spasms in vivo in cats (ESCOP, 1997).

Phytochemicals:1,8-cineole, 3-carene, 5-methoxypsoralen, 8-methoxypsoralen, Alanine, Alpha-pinene, Alpha-terpinene, Alpha-terpineol, Alpha-thujene, Alpha-phellandrene, Aluminum, Anisaldehyde, Anisic-acid, Anisic-ketone, Apiole, Arachidates, Arginine, Ascorbic-acid, Aspartic-acid, Avicularin, Benzoic-acid, Bergapten, Beta-phellandrene, Beta-carotene, Beta-sitosterol, Beta-pinene, Boron, Caffeic-acid, Calcium, Camphene, Camphor, Ceryl-alcohol, Choline, Chromium, Cinnamic-acid, Cis-anethole, Cis-ocimene, Citric-acid, Cobalt, Columbianetin Copper, Cynarin, Cystine, D-limonene, Dianethole, Dillapiol, Dipentene, EO, Estragole, Fenchone, Fenchyl-alcohol, Ferulic-acid, Fumaric-acid, Gamma- terpinene, Gamma-tocotrienol, Gentisic-acid, Glutamic-acid, Glycine, Glycollic- acid, Histidine, Imperatorin, Iodine, Isoleucine, Isopimpinellin, Isoquercitrin, Kaempferol, Kaempferol-3-arabinoside, Kaempferol-3-glucuronide, L-limonene, Limonene, Linalool, Linoleic-acid, Magnesium, Malic-acid, Manganese, Marmesin, Methionine, Methyl-chavicol, Myrcene, Myristicin, Nickel,O-coumaric-acid, Oleic-acid, Osthenol, P-cymene, P-hydroxybenzoic-acid, P-coumaric-acid, P-hydroxycinnamic-acid, Palmitic-acid, Pectin, Petroselinic-acid, Phenylalanine, Phosphorus, Photoantheole, Potassium, Proline, Protocatechuic-acid, Psoralen, Quercetin, Quercetin-3-l-arabinoside, Quercetin-3-arabinoside, Quercetin-3-glucuronide, Quinic-acid, Riboflavin, Rutin, Sabinene, Scoparone, Scopoletin, Selenium, Serine, Seselin, Shikimic-acid, Silicon, Sinapic-acid, Stigmasterol, Stigmasterol-palmitate, Syringic-acid, Tartaric-acid, Terpinen-4-ol, Terpinolene,Thiamin, Threonine, Tin, Tocopherol, Trans-ocimene, Trans-anethole Trans-1,8-terpin, Trigonelline, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Umbelliferone, Urease, Valine, Vanillic-acid, Vanillin, Xanthotoxin, Zinc
Main Constituents:

The content of essential varies strongly (0.6 to 6%); fruits in the center of an umbel are generally greater, greener and stronger in fragrance. Time of harvest and climate are also important.

The essential oil of the most important fennel variety (var.dulce) contains anethole (50 to 80%),limonene (5%),fenchone (5%),estragole (methyl chavicol),safrole,alpha-pinene (0.5%),camphene,beta-pinene,beta-myrcene and p-cymene.In contrast,the uncultivated form (var.vulgare) contains often more essential oil,but since it is characterized by the bitter fenchone (12 to 22%),it is of little value.

Volatile oil:

The best varieties of Fennel yield from 4 to 5 per cent of volatile oil (sp. gr. 0.960 to 0.930), the principal constituents of which are Anethol (50 to 60 per cent) and Fenchone (18 to 22 per cent). Anethol is also the chief constituent of Anise oil.

The essential oil of the most important fennel variety (var. dulce) contains anethole (50 to 80%), limonene (5%), fenchone (5%), estragole (methyl-chavicol), safrole, ��-pinene (0.5%), camphene, beta-pinene, beta-myrcene and p-cymene. In contrast, the uncultivated form (var. vulgare) contains often more essential oil, but since it is characterized by the bitter fenchone (12 to 22%), it is of little value.

Fenchone is a colourless liquid possessing a pungent, camphoraceous odour and taste, and when present gives the disagreeable bitter taste to many of the commercial oils. It probably contributes materially to the medicinal properties of the oil, hence only such varieties of Fennel as contain a good proportion of fenchone are suitable for medicinal use.

There are also present in oil of Fennel, d-pinene, phellandrine, anisic acid and anisic aldehyde. Schimmel mentions limonene as also at times present as a constituent.

There is reason to believe that much of the commercial oil is adulterated with oil from which the anethol or crystalline constituent has been separated. Good oil will contain as much as 60 per cent.

Saxon Fennel yields 4.7 per cent of volatile oil, containing 22 per cent of fenchone.

Russian, Galician and Roumanian, which closely resembles one another, yield 4 to 5 per cent of volatile oil, of which about 18 per cent is fenchone. They have a camphoraceous taste.

French sweet or Roman Fennel yields only 2.1 per cent. of oil, containing much less anethol and with a milder and sweeter taste, probably due to the entire absence of the bitter fenchone.

French bitter Fennel oil differs considerably, anethol being only present in traces. The oil (Essence de Fenouil amer) is distilled from the entire herb, collected in the south of France, where the plant grows without cultivation.

Indian Fennel yields only 0.72 per cent of oil, containing only 6.7 per cent of fenchone.
Sicilian Fennel oil is yielded from F. piperitum.

It was formerly the practice to boil Fennel with all fish, and it was mainly cultivated in kitchen gardens for this purpose. Its leaves are served nowadays with salmon, to correct its oily indigestibility, and are also put into sauce, in the same way as parsley, to be eaten with boiled mackerel.

The seeds are also used for flavouring and the carminative oil that is distilled from them, which has a sweetish aromatic odour and flavour, is employed in the making of cordials and liqueurs, and is also used in perfumery and for scenting soaps. A pound of oil is the usual yield of 500 lb. of the seed.

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